Friday 12 March 2010

Blog For Individual Work 1 – Are Games Ruining the Games Industry?

For this individual piece of work I had to create a report based on the question “Are Games Ruining the Games Industry?”; this piece of work was to be handed in on the 5th March 2010 and was to be roughly between 1000 to 1500 words (this was a rough suggested guideline given).
To start I was to follow on from my last PDP where I needed to improve on the last assignment by first reading articles, academic papers and blogs relating to this assignment that would allow me to back up my views in the report. I found the most relevant ones that I would eventually use in to help formulate the report. Using these would help me create a document that was around 2,100 words (over the suggested guideline) and included most of the topics I wanted to talk about (with one about how the sequel Left 4 Dead 2 left a gaming community in an uproar with the announcement of this game a year after the original being left out). This assignment was easy to write and came together quickly mainly because of the freedom given to us regarding the content that we included in it.

In this assignment I didn’t have any issues that I could identify with as such, the only one would be going 600 words over the suggested word count guideline. Cutting it down to what I needed and not adding too much extra into the assignment would help when cutting down the word count.
But from this assignment there are a few strengths that I can continue to build on in the future, these being the preparation, referencing and time management of the assignment as a whole. These again are improvements on my last pdp update.

My SMART Targets
1) In preparation for the work when researching, try and only use topics relevant to what is needed. (Add more towards the end if I believe it will help)
2) Keep to the word count as best as I can, in this assignment it wasn’t a huge deal but it would be a concern for future ones
3) I believe the referencing was strong but there’s always more you can do.
4) More notes the better.
5) When in a group I should help plan out what is to be done and keep on top of the work as I’ve shown to myself I can do it.

I believe that this assignment was the easiest to date, and not for the fact that the assignment we were given was particularly easy. I had sat down and jotted down notes before hand on what I would want to write about; then researched them and finally utilised all that to create the document. Overall I was impressed with my preparation and time management as this is what had let me down in the previous assignments with my group, and knowing I can now do this will help me when put into a team again.